Sanjeev Krishna yoga - DUBAI UAE
SKY is a brainchild of Guruji Sanjeev Krishna, initially started in 2003, in Dubai, UAE, in the name of Rhythm yoga centre. From the time of inception, it had grown to be a reputable yoga institution, in the middle East. Conducting Yoga classes for individuals, families, educational institutions, universities, and various corporates.
In 2004 it had participated in the Government programs and received a participation award from DOHMS for its contribution to world health through Yoga.
Sanjeev Krishna Yoga is the First ISO certified Yoga centre in the middle east
Sanjeev Krishna Yoga is accredited to the council for yoga accreditation international and is the first institution in the middle east accredited by CYAI [www.cyai.org]
With an inborn passion for spiritual enhancement in life he became closely associated with very many great masters from the age of twelve and was taught the Siddha Vidya by Shri Thankappan Pillai from Paramahansa Sivananda of the Siddha Samaj and then under the tutelage of very many masters like in the knowledge from Raja Yoga editation/Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Transcendental Meditation/kriya yoga from Paramahansa yogananda YSS/Guruji Rishi Prabhakar, Siddha Samadhi Yoga/underwent teacher training under him directly and was closely associated to Rishi Samskrithi Vidya Kendra/and under swami Anandamangal of Atma Darshan Yoga Ashram . Atma Darshan Yogashram established by Swami Satyananda, of Bihar school of Yoga in 1979 at Bangalore, underwent various trainings under him. Also the source of knowledge is from various known and unknown masters has helped him to unfold the knowledge from within in the journey of his life. The more we think we know, the less we seem to know and feel since this divine Knowledge is infinite and can only to be learnt from many live we realize by our dedication and self-realization with the cosmic connectivity.