Whole Body Rejuvenation (WBR) Level 1 & 2.
Program Details
- Level 1: 8 Exercise /Energizing in between each Excercise/ Healing.
- Level 2 : 3 Breathing Exercise / 8 Direction Exercise / Inner Smile / Healing.
- Duration: 6 Hrs (Theory and Practical training 4 hrs, Review 2 hrs with two 15 mins break).
- Follow-up session: 1 Free review session after 4 weeks for 2 hrs (Online / Offline).
- Duration: 6 Hrs (Theory and Practical training 4 hrs, Review 2 hrs with two 15 mins break).
- Benefits : The Eight techniques rejuvenate the internal & external organs / It gives you Vim, Vigour & Vitality / It cures the chronic and acute ailments / It rejuvenates and stabilizes the chemotherapy patients / It regulates the energy flow in the internal organs, nerves, muscles, bones & skin / It purifies the blood / It gives concentration, memory power & complete relaxation to whole body / It reduces the anxiety and makes you grounded / It gives you 100 % new look in span of Eight weeks / It gives mind sharpness, decision making skills and removes mental worries & strain in Spinal cord.